Abstract Submission

Instructions for abstract preparation and submission

July 21 Deadline for submission of abstracts
General rules
  • Only subscribed participants can submit abstracts;
  • Each participant can submit two abstracts to presentation;
  • During the submission, please indicate if you prefer oral or poster presentation. The decision will be held by the Scientific Committee;
  • The abstract should be written in a text editor (accepted formats: .doc, .docx and .odt) and submitted through the form below;
  • All the abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, which may recommend corrections or reject it.

All approaches on the Termitology are welcome, including classical cell biology, natural history, behavior, molecular studies, control or any other way to unravel the world of termites. Studies that uses termites as case studies to clarify problems at the current science frontiers are also very welcome.



  • Maximum size: 150 characters (with spaces);
  • Title may not include “Insecta”, “Blattaria” or “Isoptera”;
  • It is not necessary to include the authors or taxa data. This information might be in the abstract

Authors: the names should be presented below the title, as following:

Arab, A. (1,2); Carrijo, T.F. (2,3); Haifig, I. (2,4)

Affiliation and e-mail of the corresponding author: should be presented below the list of authors as following. The corresponding author should be the one that is submitting the abstract and will also present it.

(1) E-mail: arab@gmail.com; (2) Universidade Federal do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil; (3) Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; (4) Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.


  • Maximum size: 2000 characters (with spaces);
  • Use Arial font, size 11;
  • Language: portuguese, spanish or english;
  • Do not include references;
  • Names of species and genera might be in italic;
  • Do not use any other formatting or font;
  • Do not use special characters;

Funding: funding agencies should be included at the end of the abstract:

Funding: NSERC, NSF.

File name

Name the file with the last name of the first author, hyphen (-), abstract title. For the example below, “Arab – Model of an abstract title with Cornitermes cumulans.docx”.

Example of abstract:

Title of an abstract template on Cornitermes cumulans

Arab, A. (1,2); Carrijo, T.F. (2,3); Haifig, I. (2,4)

(1) E-mail: arab@gmail.com; (2) Universidade Federal do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil; (3) Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; (4) Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar, 1832) consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet congue eros, eu rutrum risus. Fusce et tellus dui. Vestibulum ultricies, erat eget facilisis tincidunt, felis erat scelerisque arcu, id feugiat erat orci vitae lectus. Nullam ut ipsum id massa placerat pulvinar vel vitae felis. Duis finibus luctus rhoncus. Etiam sed risus vestibulum, rhoncus tortor quis, lobortis tortor. Sed magna lacus, pretium sit amet volutpat quis, commodo vel dolor. Nulla accumsan orci nunc, eget placerat magna bibendum eu. Nunc tristique odio dictum massa elementum, eu scelerisque neque sagittis. Curabitur a elit gravida, fermentum mauris volutpat, tristique quam. Cras vitae luctus purus, eget sagittis diam. Quisque vitae dolor sit amet mi lobortis porttitor. Integer felis libero, scelerisque vitae nibh eget, euismod ultricies ligula. Fusce sed ultricies urna, id blandit dolor. Cras at sapien maximus, consequat diam nec, congue mi. Aliquam vitae hendrerit augue. Mauris euismod sem eget rutrum congue. Vivamus eget est luctus, hendrerit est non, sagittis lorem. Integer quam ex, finibus eu bibendum non, ultricies quis nibh. Aenean quis arcu quis eros condimentum volutpat maximus sit amet ex. Ut vitae tincidunt odio. Pellentesque efficitur elit id arcu cursus auctor. Duis lacinia efficitur magna in vehicula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Funding: CNPq, Capes.