The Workshop for Women in Differential Equations will be held at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Santo André - Brazil, on July 25 - 27, 2018. The Workshop is going to be a Satellite Event of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2018). The program schedule contains plenary lectures, invited lectures and a poster session.
Main Goal
The main goal of the Workshop for Women in Differential Equations is to gather some female researchers from Brazil and abroad, with seminal contributions to the field of Differential Equations. Students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers working in the field are also strongly encouraged to participate in the Workshop. On the contrary of what happens in other countries, only recently there has been in Brazil an attempt of promoting activities mainly concerned with gender imbalance in Mathematics. As part of an initiative that has been successfully implemented abroad, this Workshop targets at women researchers in a specific field of Mathematics. Despite the fact that women will be especially encouraged to attend the Workshop, we highlight that all interested researchers will be warmly invited to participate.
Scientific Content
The Workshop aims at bringing together researchers to discuss recent progress in the dynamic and rapidly growing area of Differential Equations. A wide range of topics will be addressed. These include, for instance, the following: partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, transport theory, free boundary problems, blow-up phenomena, controllability and variational methods, differential equations with impulses, boundary value problems, fractional differential equations, functional differential equations, dynamical equations on time scales, and other related topics.