The Organizing Committee of the XIX Brazilian Symposium of
Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry is pleased to announce
the following awards:
International Society of Electrochemistry Awards
-Best work presented as poster in all areas.
Conditions for ISE Awards:
The winners must be young scientists or PhD students, classified in the
first places as the best posters in each of the 10 areas of the
The evaluation will be made by the
Scientific Committee of the XIX Brazilian Symposium of Electrochemistry
and Electroanalytical Chemistry.
Electrochemical Awards
-Best work presentes as posters in the symposium.
Conditions for ECS Awards:
Four Student Poster Awards will be sponsored by ECS, with the winners
receiving the following awards: One year complimentary ECS membership;
complimentary registration to participate in a future ECS meeting;
travel support (first place-$1,000, second place-$1,000) to attend the
meeting; and recognition in "Interface". Note: third and fourth place
winners do not receive travel support.
The travel grant assistance is not
provided until the first and second place winners submit a paper to
attend a future ECS meeting (in 2014).
The Scientific Committee of the XIX Brazilian Symposium of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical and Prof. Daniel Scherson (Third Vice-President) will evaluate the best posters at the event.
Prêmio Autolab-Metrohm
Nesse XIX SIBEE teremos o Prêmio Autolab, que será oferecido pela Metrohm. Serão
500 euros (02 prêmios de 250 euros cada) a serem distribuídos aos
melhores pôsteres escolhidos pela comissão científica do XIX SIBEE. |