Registrations Fees
All fees are quoted in Brazilian Reais
Category |
Registration |
Shorcourse* |
Undergrad student | R$ 45,00 | R$ 20,00 | |
Masters’ candidate | R$ 105,00 | R$ 30,00 | |
PhD candidate | R$ 135,00 | R$ 40,00 | |
Professionals (Posdocs) | R$ 225,00 | R$ 50,00 | |
Other professionals | R$ 300,00 | R$ 50,00 |
*Check the short-courses options
Due to the high bank charges for international transfers we made the bank transfer option available only to participants living in Brazil or that have an account in a Brazilian bank.
If you have an account in Brazilian bank, payment should be made through nominal deposit to the IUSSI-SecBras bank account:
Banco do Brasil
International Union for the Study of Social Insects
CNPJ: 20.118.456/0001-68
Agência: 1969-0
Conta: 6736-9
Registration Form