The event aims to boost discussion and scientific exchange among the various areas of Termitology. All approaches are welcome, including classical cell biology, natural history, behavior, molecular studies, control or any other way to unravel the world of termites. Studies that uses termites as case studies to clarify problems at the current science frontiers are also very welcome.
The idea of a Brazilian Symposium of Termitology was proposed at the conclusion of the round table “Brazilian Termitology: Past, Present and Future”, held during the XXIII Brazilian Congress of Entomology, in Natal, 2010. The present audience, of more than 50 people, indicated that the Brazilian Termitology was already big enough to carry out an event of its own. At the same meeting, Profa. Hélida Cunha, from the State University of Goiás, offered to organize the first symposium in Anápolis, GO.
I Symposium of Termitology – 2011
UEG – State University of Goiás, Anápolis, GO, Brazil

Main Organizer: Hélida Ferreira da Cunha
Number of participants: 112
Number of abstracts presented: 50 (Link to abstracts)
Invited speakers:
- Judith Korb (Universitat Friburgo, German)
- Paulo Marçal Fernandes (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil)
- José Raul Valério (EMBRAPA CNPGC)
- José Alexandre Freitas Barrigossi (EMBRAPA CNPAF)
- Adelmar Bandeira (by former students)
- Divino Brandão (by former students)
- Charles Noirot (by Eliana M. Cancello)
II Symposium of Termitology – 2013
UnB – University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Main organizer: Reginaldo Constantino
Number of participants: 98
Number of abstracts presented: 62 (Link to abstracts)
Invited speakers:
- Michael Engel (Universidade de Kansas, USA)
- Yves Roisin (Universidade Livre de Bruxelas, Belgium)
- Renato L. Araujo (by Nelson Papavero)
III Symposium of Termitology – 2015
UFPB – Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil

Main Organizer: Alexandre Vasconcellos
Number of participants: 120
Number of abstracts presented: 70 (Link to abstracts)
Invited speakers:
- David Bignell (Universidade Queen Mary de Londres, England)
- Ed Vargo (Texas A & M University, USA)
- Elio Tuci (Universidade Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)
- Hélida Cunha (State University of Goias, Brazil)
- Ives Haifig (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)
- Octavio Miramontes (Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México)
- Paulo Cristaldo (Rural Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
- Tiago Carrijo (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)
- Yves Roisin (Universidade Livre de Bruxelas, Belgium)
- Kumar Krishna (by Reginaldo Constantino)
IV Symposium of Termitology – 2017
UFV – Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil

Main Organizer: Og DeSouza
Number of participants: 120
Number of abstracts presented: 47 (Link to abstracts)
Invited speakers:
- Alexandre Vasconcellos (Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil)
- Ana Maria Costa Leonardo (State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP-Rio Claro, Brazil)
- Carlos Schaefer (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil)
- David Sillam-Dussès (Univ. Paris 13 and Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris, France)
- Octavio Miramontes Vidal (Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México)
- Og DeSouza (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil)
- Rebeca Rosengaus (Northeastern University, USA)
- Theodore Evans (University of Western Australia)
V Symposium of Termitology – 2019
UFABC – Federal University of ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil